The Adventures of Little Monkey and Bluey the Butterfly contain different problems. Bluey helps Little Monkey whenever he is sad, lonely, scared or hurt with a magical dance! The adventures cover themes such as pain, loneliness, bullying and loss, and overcoming these.

The Adventures of Little Monkey and Bluey the Butterfly

  • Little Monkey and Bluey the Butterfly
  • Little Monkey and the Tiny Mermaid
  • Little Monkey and The Cave
  • The Tiny Mermaid and The Yellow Seahorse
  • Little Monkey's Bad Dream
  • Little Monkey's Surprise

£9.99 You will be emailed the download link for the MP3's of the six short stories asap once paid.

The are also available in pdf form .. Please contact me if you are interested. Also some of the stories have been translated into other languages. See facebook link below

"I like the all your stories. The story bit and the music bit, and mostly I like the dance. And I can't wait until I hear the other ones." Chester, 6 years old

The purpose of these stories encourage children to learn the Tapping points, with the delightful dance of Bluey the Butterfly who helps by dancing round the tapping points on the lovable character of Little Monkey...

And here are the tapping points on little monkey’s hand:

little monkey hand tapping points

You too can do the dance by gently tapping where the stars are: Side of Hand, Fingertips and Thumbtip… Tapping on both sides near the nail bed… and also across the wrist (not shown).

Here are the tapping points of Bluey the Butterfly’s magical dance on Little Monkey:

little monkey tapping points

You too can do the dance by gently tapping where the stars are: Top of the Head, Beginning of Eyebrow, Side of Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Under Mouth, Under Collarbone, Under Arm.

And here are the tapping points on little monkey’s hand:

little monkey hand tapping points

You too can do the dance by gently tapping where the stars are: Side of Hand, Fingertips and Thumbtip… Tapping on both sides near the nail bed… and also across the wrist (not shown).

Niccola Willis

Niccola Willis

About Niccola

After many years of puppetry, teaching and looking after children Niccola has combined her skills and imagination to help children with her stories.

Niccola also teaches Wellness: Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Wellness, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Matrix Reimprinting, Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Movement, Poetry and Natural Foods.